When you are feeling blue...what does it really mean?

When you are feeling blue...what does it really mean?

Posted by Lisa Erickson on Sep 19th 2018

Hello peeps,

I had an overwhelming response to my last email on your magick & medicine...

For those of you who get migraines..know that we are in the 5-7 bracket of the full moon and its effects on your migraine..I've gone over this in depth in other emails if you need the protocol email me...

But what I want to talk about today is the energies behind the migraines or any dip in your energy when you are feeling blue and WHAT IT REALLY IS...

See Migraine Magick will get you to a place where you can manage your pain and become migraine-free. THAT is winning the lottery in and of itself...However, if you don't get at your ROOT emotional causes it is UNLIKELY you will have sustainable healing and you may have to use Migraine Magick for the rest of your life. This is NOT my intention. My intention is to get you to a place where you actually feel good, have enough energy to do the real DEEPER work. The work you know you have to do but don't know how.

So this came up in one my sessions with my client and Boo....if you are reading this it's a great reminder. :)

So, again if we are in the full moon pockets lots is going on...but specifically we are dealing with drastic hormonal changes that effect the biochemistry in our body. When you correct that on a physical level with Migraine Magick you can see & feel more clearly what you are actually FEELING.

Feeling (which is a subtle bio-electric energy signature) proceeds thought (which based on your perception has its own frequencies). The continual thoughts create beliefs which in turn signals your DNA to trigger your endocrine system to secrete certain hormones. These hormones change your blood chemistry and your bio-rythyms shift your moods and effects your attitude POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE.

So during this time period, add in the equinox and amazing but POWERFUL energies streaming into the earth the (Christ or Krystic frequencies)...if your body is not grounded energetically and physically it can wreak even more havoc...

Our energy has cycles it ebbs and flows. This will never change. This is life...evolution the magick is to learn the major patterns and then taylor them to your life and your specific energy frequencies..

So ...if you are feeling, stuck, or inert..know that this isn't you it's actually something in your DNA expressing itself...Maybe you feel down on yourself, exhausted or just bla not knowing where to go what to do and no energy to do it with...just relax and contemplate my next words...

Take a deep breath and journey inwards for just a moment....

Energy in Thermodynamics is a measure of unavailable energy available to do work. You ever felt this way?

So instead of thinking feeling its you...

What if I told you that we convert this energy into human feeling and it becomes a kind of deep numbness or sense of gloom...

What if the true meaning of this deep and gloom or entropy is actually an extremely fertile state of awareness.

As there is external weather there is internal weather...we don't blame outside weather we allow it...same as inside..

It means that the low energy inside you is gestating..it's swirling and swishing and cooking until it is completely baked or ready to give to birth to whatever you wish to create or desire..whether its health, wealth, love or ultimately its all FREEDOM.

The weight of the denial of this entropy to make it mean something about yourself, maybe unloveable or unworthy is really what is causing the conflict in your biochemistry...

This denial then manifests as a repressed depression where you pull inward or a reactive angry nature or swings between both..sound familiar?

But there are gifts when you are able to ride these chemical waves inside you consciously...out of the darkness suddenly emerges light...and you feel a freshness kinda like a fresh bar of soap or a new tube of toothpaste...and your melancholiness transmutes to a gift of appreciation...

Ultimately then your contemplation turns to one of beauty where you can appreciate both the highs and the lows...

You want more...email me with subject line..I want more...

Meanwhile, as I do these transmissions if you really want to elevate get a Magick Spray to enhance and bring you back online to receive this transmissions at an en-lightened level. If you get migraines you want Migraine Magick, if you are a Reiki Master you want Meditation Magick if you are a love bug who gets bounced around by emotions and you don't get migraines you need Love Magick...