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Pearls, Agate, Obsidian & Virgo Relcaiming her Wings with the Divine Harmonizer Libra

Pearls, Agate, Obsidian & Virgo Relcaiming her Wings with the Divine Harmonizer Libra

Posted by Lisa Erickson on Sep 20th 2020

We are right in the Virgo New Moon where the Divine Purifier the only Feminine constellation hailing from Spica is reclaiming her wings, with an embodied understanding that her FREEDOM is her birthright. 

And very soon..not soon enough we have the great Harmonizer Libra entering into the fold.. really fusing the right and left brain hemispheres so we can think and feel holistically. 

Here is an example of to blend certain crystals, metals & gems to really tune into and work with the free energy available to you right now. 

Pearls for the hidden, purity, centered and calmness, Moonstone for the very Feminine sign of Virgo for the New Moon seeds, Agate a beautiful frequency for the harmonizations, White Gold for the combination of Sun & Moon frequencies and Obsidian for truth enhancing and protection.