Inbound Migraine

Posted by Lisa Erickson on Jul 27th 2023


Maybe you woke up with a twinge deep behind your eye but you feel it in your neck..

Maybe you woke up with an unsettled belly and internally you are like, "Oh's coming....

This are very subtle cues for some people when a migraine is brewing...

Migraine is a PATTERN.
It is a series of patterns...

This is the PRE-DROME.

It's a deeply engrained

Biochemical imbalance
Bioelectrical imbalance
Biochemechanical imbalance
And Emotional Un-intelligence

So how do we fix it? The Million Dollar Question...

What I can tell you in my work is that most people try to fix the branches of pain that spin off the root of the migraine which is why most stuff doesn't work.

And even if Western medicine worked...90% of the people I have helped transform their migraine condition have metabolic issues...meaning even IF medicine worked...the medicine doesn't get digested..which is why it doesn't work bc in migraineurs...the metabolism is off..(which is why I created an alternative root of a holistic migraine medicine).

How are you energetically digesting your life right now? Are you even?

Ever hear of the MTHFR gene? (Yes said as you read it, lol)....

The conditions to inherit migraines can get passed down in our genes...but that's just the gun..

It's our environment that pulls the trigger to SIGNAL all the moving pieces to activate the migraine cascade..

So if you are wondering why you are at the mercy of your migraine...its because there are alot of moving pieces...

The thing is...we don't die from migraine....

And THAT'S WHY most people don't do anything to help themselves bc they don't die from it!

Vs. people diagnosed with cancer.....


Either way,

You choose your path...

you absolutely choose.


In choosing not to do anything that is a choice.

You want to heal and feel better because you know you weren't born like this or continue on...

Feeling your migraine...

in fear
in anxiety
in survival...

your gonna pass it down to your kids..

I see it all the time...

there is a even a IG acct called parenting with migraine...its really sad...

it's not sad bc the mom has migraine and 3 kids its sad bc the mom (who is a lawyer) can't see beyond current belief system that this is her fate...and she is SEALING her kids fate with migraine too....when she has ALL the power in the world to not only help herself but change the trajectory of her children's health as well...

People with #chronicmigraine lose a minimum of 1728 hrs a year.

That is 72 days a year (with only 2 migraine episodes a month).

I LOST alot more than that ...while I was raising 4 children....

I was present and I was there and I went through life with one eye winced and closed....

But HOW PRESENT could I truly be with the distraction of constant pain?

I couldn't be. No one can.

Now let's earn between $20-$1000 an hr.....that means you are out of pocket...$34,560-$172,800...from getting paid every year.

But the worst loss from migraine in my opinion is








And so this post is inspired today by the fact that your migraine has a definite pattern even if you don't think so.

They are predictable
They are reversible
They are curable
They are manageable
And they are your friend..
And you can totally help yourself.

WHAT??? did she really just say they are my friend??


Your body is your friend.
Your body loves you.
Your body is communicating to you

through your migraine

that you have a LEVEL 10 emergency in your body and everything is literally in chaos inside you.

You have the ability
You have the power
You have the tools

To go within and do the deeper work.

To finally get CLEAR.

This is what any chronic anything REQUIRES of our human...

everyone is equipped but not everyone will walk through the eye of the needle...

I thrive in the eye of the needle.. I don't know if that is good or bad...

So here is the thing.. today is the first day in a 5-8 day window I call the Migraine Danger Zone...

When you know this zone.. there are many different steps you can take to


this is the key to reversing migraine...prevention..

Every one wants a quick pill for everything and this is just not realistic (even though I do have a quick proverbial pill)...

And so if you had Migraine Magick in your hot little hands right now you would begin working with it and go through this pocket #migrainefree....

But here is the can buy Migraine Magick® and work with it.. it is AWESOME and the best thing on the market for migraines hand down.. I even won an award for it...

I made it so that you can not only feel but REMEMBER what it feels like to feel good again...long enough for you to scan your environment and start making small strategic shifts in your life that promote solutions and wellness not perpetuate the migraine...etc...

But, to TRULY CHANGE all the patterns inside you from your migraine once and for all it does usually REQUIRE the deeper work...all the things you really don't even want to deal with..the stuff you have been avoiding for decades...

People talk about the inner child and there's is so much truth to that.. lemme tell you that inner child (migraine)...will HAUNT you until you listen.. just like a toddler...

All the other things like the weather..schumann resonance, humidity, sunlight, food allergies......etc.. they are branch work...they don't get to the root....

And here is an energetic side note:


Once upon a time there was a little girl and she was sitting on the top of the stairs listening to her parents fight again in the kitchen.

It was common and it hurt her like hell EVERY SINGLE TIME....this little girl would feel sick to her stomach and want to throw ups when her parents argued because her ultimate fear was they would divorce and her little mind that was the WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN for a child.

And in her not yet developed mind...she panicked, appointed herself as rescuer of her family (as much as a 6 year old can) could she make it better or easier for her siblings..she went into protection mode...

A 5 nor 6 year old!

She made a sacred contract with herself that she didn't need...and couldn't stand the bad bellyaches, nausea and sick to her stomach feeling so somehow her nervous system not yet fully developed...

one day that sick feeling moved to into her head where she actually couldn't even think about the fights the pain was front and center in her head. In a really roundabout way...the migraine is a result of her little body trying to makes sense of her emotional pain and a distraction from feeling it....all by her little self..

So the next time your migraine comes and it will...I'd bet on it before Powerball...try to remember that your pain is actually a very old way of trying to protect you...I know it sounds counter intuitive but I have helped 100"s of women and transformed 1000's of migraine through this backdoor along with the medicine I made.. Migraine Magick®.

The migraine zone ends Aug 3/5. Everyone is different..

But if migraine is your thing.. pay attention online.. you will see everyone in the next few days commenting on how they are going down with flies and does anyone have an holistic remembedies???

But VERY FEW OF THOSE WOMEN.. will do a damn thing about healing themselves and instead spend money on something stupid rather than their own health and their children's....

I do have compassion which is why I am speaking the way I am.

Imagine its fall right now..

the sun is dappled

its a gorgeous lazy day and you are on your way to apple picking...with a friend or your kids...

maybe you grabbed a cup of dunks on the way..

everything feels good...

the sun on your face

the kids in the back seat smiling or fighting...

your going apple picking

you can smell the pies that will be baking later...

and you feel good.

maybe for the first time in years you feel good.

there is no worry to drive back and grab the meds you forgot that don't work..

there is no I wish this day was over already so I can get in a dark room with my fan...and kids go on devices....

its just peaceful, connected presence apple picking on a gorgeous fall day with people you love.

I can help you find this...I am interviewing new clients right now and I have space for one person.

Children in my opinion do not really need to do the deeper work and working with Migraine Magick® will do the trick.

But adults... on the other hand...

The wiring and patterning is so much deeper and engrained it takes more work...

I'm not going to fix you.

I'm going to go on a journey with you and show you how you actually work inside and out...because I've already been on it. I know the pitfalls, the shortcuts, the straight routes, the backroads, the rivers...and I am going to show you how to heal yourself so that you can do it over and over and over again without me. (btw we can do this even if you don't have migraine)....

I can literally help you collapse time with your conditions and help you plug you back into the circuitry of YOUR LIFE and start creating the life of your dreams.. which is the way it was meant to be all along....

In the meanwhile you can download the free migraine pattern calendar as well as the free migraine ebook and purchase Migraine Magick®.. link in comments...

And not if you are ready but if you have a deeper's time for you to sort this out, I'm your huckleberry. Give me a call.